If you’re looking for a therapist who has a comfortable and relaxing place for you to open up about your troubles, come to Therapy by Lisa. I provide therapeutic services in Redwood City, CA, I want my clients to know that they have a safe place to explore the areas of their lives that aren't working for them.
If you’ve been dealing with personal thoughts and emotions that have been troubling you and have been in turmoil for some time, we can work collaboratively to explore the root of your troubles and reprocess potential trauma or simply change thought patterns that serve you better to improve your quality of life. My area of expertise is: · Trauma OCD · Anxiety Relational difficulties · Depression Low Self-Esteem Allow me to help you overcome your troubles so that you can once again have a zest for life and find purpose and meaning. You can contact me in the Contact section of this website or simply give me a call today to schedule an appointment. (650) 683-5555. |
EMDRIf you suffer from debilitating panic attacks, persistent worry, fears or phobias, or generalized anxiety, help is available. At Therapy by Lisa, I provide anxiety treatment services in a caring and professional environment.
Many people feel anxious from time to time. But when feelings of anxiety occur regularly and begin to interfere with your job, relationships, or other aspects of your daily life, it’s time to pursue professional anxiety treatment. At Therapy by Lisa, I work to help patients better understand and manage the physical and psychological effects of anxiety disorders. Through personalized treatment, I can examine the causes of your anxiety, analyze the emotions associated with it, and reveal how you can change the resulting negative thoughts and behaviors. My goal is to help you experience freedom from the debilitating effects of anxiety disorders and improve your quality of life. Don’t let anxiety stand in the way of pursuing your goals. Call today to make an appointment and learn more about how anxiety treatment might help you. |
DepressionIf you’re suffering from poor concentration, lack of sleep, poor appetite, or unexplained back pain, you may be suffering from depression. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with life’s challenges and you feel you just can’t dig yourself out of the rut you’re in, I can help you recognize the source of your emotional pain and help you manage the different areas causing you distress. Tackling areas one at a time can sometimes help you see that it’s not as overwhelming as you originally thought. Together we can formulate a plan of self-care, regular exercise, healthy diet, adequate sleep and mind-body techniques to get you back on track. A regular routine in combination with CBT therapy is the best evidence based treatment for depression.
BreathworkBreathwork is a modality that has been around for thousands of years. Many different cultures use it in different forms to help expand consciousness and release the body of accumulated stress and trauma. Stanislav Grof, a psychiatrist from Czechoslovakia came to the United States in the 1950s to help with the experimentation of psychedelic assisted therapy with LSD. When the program was shut down by the government, he discovered that the people involved in the study would spontaneously breathe a different way to continue their journey. He started Holotropic Breathwork at the Esalen Institute and continued his research and wrote many books on the power of the breath to expand awareness and heal trauma. But how can our conscious expand if it is held back by fear? The nervous system must be calm, open and relaxed to be connected to vastness of consciousness. To embody this open posture, we must do the inner work, confront the shadows within, and release the tightness, fear, and trauma stored in our bodies.
For our spirit to fully express itself—to feel safe, vulnerable, and uninhibited—we must embark on a journey of deeper self-discovery, exploring the void within. This exploration can be done by simply breathing through the mouth at an accelerated rate for a period of time listening to some cool music and embarking on a wonderfully vast journey of bliss and peace. I am happy to guide you through this experience in the comfort of your own home. You just need a computer, internet and a pair of good headphones. |